the Equines



Intake Date: 4/28/21

Age: 23 years

Species: Horse

Breed: Tennessee Walking Horse

Favorite Things: Being brushed, apples, and getting pets

Ritz arrived at Fabled Farm as an extreme starvation case. 

He was so weak that he could barely walk off the trailer. The resident sanctuary equines provided comfort for Ritz over the next several months as we implemented a slow refeeding program to help him recover.

Ritz arrived with an injured eye that had to be removed once he was strong enough.

It took a year for Ritz to transform from skin and bones to a healthy, beautiful boy! He now spends his days helping new arrivals settle in and getting love from visitors.

Due to his careful feeding needs he will remain in the Fabled Farm Sanctuary Program.


Figaro & Chaplin

Intake Date: 5/23/20 & 6/20/20

Age: 5 years

Species: Donkey

Breed: Mini 

Favorite Things: Playing together and getting yummy treats

You couldn't find a cuter pair of adorable trouble makers than Figaro and Chaplin!

Figaro arrived at rescue with his mom, Fern. They had been saved by another rescue group from a hoarding situation and needed a safe place to land. Both were very afraid of people and needed a lot of time to learn to trust.

Chaplin was saved by a donkey rescue from a neglect case and was in poor condition.

Chaplin arrived just as Figaro was weaned and they immediately became best friends! Together they have given each other the confidence to trust and heal.

Figaro and Chaplin are in training as part of the Fabled Farm Education Program and are starting to attend events!



Intake Date: 4/16/19

Age: 9 years

Species: Horse

Breed: Mini 

Favorite Things: Treats! He will do anything for a snacky snack 

Picture your typical mini horse trouble maker...that was Cupid when he arrived!

Cupid had been deemed unadoptable to the public by another rescue group, so we agreed to bring him to Fabled Farm.

He was our first addition to the rescue program, and we learned a lot about patience, positive training techniques, and the fun of crazy minis from Cupid!

Cupid is now our demo horse for events on and off the farm. He loves to greet visitors and even tolerates outfits for special occasions!

We love that Cupid has been with us since the beginning and are so proud of how far he has come since arriving at the rescue.


Mystic & Pumpkin

Intake Date: 4/16/19

Age: 9 years and 11 years

Species: Horse

Breed: Mini 

Favorite Things: Running away on farrier day and rolling in the mud

They look so picturesque...and then they roll in the mud immediately!

Mini horses Mystic and Pumpkin both arrived with Cupid. They had been rescued from neglect situations and were very afraid of being handled by people.

It has taken years of work and trust building, but now both girls stand nicely for the farrier and any needed vetting.

They now make appearances at events and do paintings for treats!

Due to the neglect they suffered previously, they have ongoing health issues that need careful monitoring. They are unadoptable and will remain in the Fabled Farm Sanctuary Program to receive proper care.



Intake Date: 11/1/19

Age: 5 years 

Species: Donkey

Breed: Mini

Favorite Things: Getting butt scratches, carrots, and apples

He's got the looks and the personality to Costello!

Our first donkey additions to the farm were baby mini donkeys, Abbott and Costello. They were rescued from a kill pen truck and were in rough shape. Sadly Abbott had several health issues and he couldn't be saved.

We worked with Costello slowly and built a foundation of trust over the next year, teaching him that people were kind, gentle, and offered the best treats!

Costello is now a farm ambassador. He works with visiting groups, helps to host Dinner with a Donkey, and creates custom paintings. Costello demonstrates daily that donkeys truly are amazing animals that deserve all our love!


PUck & Oberon

Intake Date: 2/6/21

Age: 10 years and 5 years

Species: Donkey

Breed: Standard

Favorite Things: Rolling in the dirt and getting ear scratches

Earning trust is worth the effort!

Puck and Oberon were the two donkeys that jumped on the trailer, so they came back to Fabled Farm with us. These boys were unhandled, terrified of halters and ropes, and afraid of people.

Using positive training techniques we slowly earned their trust. One day it clicked for Obi, and he was suddenly comfortable being haltered, led, and petted. Puck was older and he took much longer to win over. After a year of slow progress, he also decided we were safe. Now the boys stand at liberty for handling and hoof care. 

Puck and Obi help teach fearful new arrivals that people are good and can be trusted.


Mailing Address:
Fabled Farm Rescue
P.O. Box 12
Beechgrove, TN 37018

thank you!