Special Needs Crew


S'more & Churro

Intake Date: 6/16/23

Age: 1 year

Species: Goat

Breed: Nigerian Dwarf 

Favorite Things: Getting into trouble and eating things they shouldn't

If you have ever lived with a toddler, then you know what life is like with adorable baby goats, S'more & Churro!

S'more arrived at rescue after having been trampled by his herd. He was left with neurological issues and blind in one eye. We immediately started physical therapy to help him regain balance and movement. He has progressed so far and now can run and play!

We knew S'more would need a long term buddy to help him navigate the world, and we heard about Churro. He was smaller than he should be and couldn't remain safely with his herd. 

It was love at first meeting for these two and they have been inseparable ever since! They are part of the Education Program and are rock stars at public events.


Mr. Wobbles

Intake Date: 3/1/24

Age: 2 years

Species: Duck

Breed: Crested 

Favorite Things: Frozen peas and water buckets for splashing

He can't help that he looks so adorable when he wobbles!

Mr. Wobbles and his duck friend, Sweet Pea (female - Buff), were rescued from a neglect situation and rehabbed by a bird rescue.

Mr. Wobbles has neurological issues, making him wobble when he walks (this is common in Crested Ducks). He also has a condition called Angel Wing from improper nutrition. Neither issue can be fixed, so he needed a safe place to live without other male ducks who might pick on him.

Mr. Wobbles and Sweet Pea arrived at Fabled Farm and immediately made friends with Buttercup(female - Welsh Harlequin). The three are now best buds and living the good life at Fabled Farm!


Bitty Boo

Intake Date: 11/17/23

Age: 9 years 

Species: Pig

Breed: Pot Belly

Favorite Things: Exploring and dinner time

Bitty broke our hearts!

Bitty's hooves were overgrown and twisted under her feet. She was so overweight she could hardly see and could only stand for a minute.

We worked with our vets on a diet to help her lose enough weight to sedate her for her spay, tusk trim, and a more thorough hoof trim. By examining her teeth, our vet learned she was 9 years old instead of 4 as we were told.

Bitty was so sad when she arrived and missed her home. Pigs are very emotional creatures and don't handle moves well. Once she was well enough, we introduced her to Percy Piggles, and they helped each other heal. Now they are the best of friends! Due to her age and health concerns, Bitty Boo will remain in the Fabled Farm Sanctuary Program.


Cotton Candy

Intake Date: 9/27/20

Age: 6 years

Species: Goat

Breed: Nigerian Dwarf 

Favorite Things: Pets and Animal Crackers

Get ready to meet the most friendly goat in the world...Cotton Candy! 

This sweetheart was one of the very first goats in the Fabled Farm program. She arrived blind in one eye and with a hip deformity.

She might walk a little wonky, but it doesn't slow her down in the least! Cotton is always at the gate ready for treats or pets.

Cotton is part of the Fabled Farm Education Program and helps visitors learn about goats! She will also show off her famous painting skills and has custom artwork for sale.

Cotton receives special hoof trims to help her walk more comfortably and joint supplements.


Kit Kat

Intake Date: 9/5/22

Age: 2 years

Species: Goat

Breed: Nubian

Favorite Things: Running and playing

Kit Kat is a miracle!

Kit Kat arrived at the rescue having to be propped up with straw bales, unable to stand.

The x-rays showed a shattered pelvis and a shattered femur head. Her injuries had happened months previously and the bones had healed as best they could. This poor girl had endured whatever trauma caused the injury and healed without any medical treatment. Our vet said euthanasia would be a kindness...but she was fighting to stand...so we decided to take a chance and do physical therapy and pain management. 

Soon she was walking, then running, and now she jumps, plays, and chases the other goats!! She is no longer on pain meds and only walks with a slight limp. She is a brave girl with a fighting spirit!



Intake Date: 3/30/23

Age: 31 years

Species: Horse

Breed: Appendix - Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred

Favorite Things: Sleeping in the sun and being nosey around the farm

Doesn't everyone have a yard horse?? Meet sweet old man, Boone, who spends his days strolling around the farm and napping in the front yard!

Our equine vet reached out to us about a kind horse that needed a soft landing. He hadn't been getting the care he needed.

Boone came to us with very few teeth, arthritis, hoof issues, and he was very underweight. We came up with a care plan that includes a specialty senior feed (on our Chewy Wish List), supplements, and pain management. He has gained several hundred pounds and spends his days laying in the sun and getting loved on by everyone who visits.

Due to his careful feeding needs he will remain in the Fabled Farm Sanctuary Program.


Mailing Address:
Fabled Farm Rescue
P.O. Box 12
Beechgrove, TN 37018

thank you!